Your upcoming laser hair removal session is approaching? Well-planned preparation can have a significant impact on the results and comfort during the procedure. Here are the key steps to help you achieve excellent results during your laser hair removal session:
Shave the hair with a razor the day before the procedure, preferably using shaving foam.
Avoid sun exposure or tanning beds for up to 2 weeks before the treatment.
Avoid vaccinations, such as the flu shot, for up to 2 weeks before the procedure.
Refrain from plucking, waxing, or using electric epilators for 4-6 weeks before the procedure.
Stop using photosensitizing herbs in the form of teas or herbal tablets, including St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, horsetail, marigold, yarrow, and herbal mixtures, for up to 2 weeks before the treatment.
Do not use bronzing or self-tanning creams, as well as products with gold particles for up to 2 weeks before the procedure (substances on the skin's surface can cause adverse reactions).
Refrain from using creams containing vitamins A and C, as well as creams with acids and herbal substances such as calendula, steroid ointments, antibiotic ointments on the area to be treated with laser hair removal for up to 2 weeks before the procedure.
Do not take pain relievers such as ketoprofen, ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid, or pyralginum for 48 hours before the procedure. In case of pain, you can only use paracetamol.
If you have had treatments with botulinum toxin in the treated area, allow a gap of 2-4 weeks to prevent the movement of the injected substance.
Remove makeup and any residue of antiperspirant or deodorant before the procedure.
Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Familiarize yourself with the absolute contraindications for the procedure as listed in the link "Przeciwskazania bezwzględne do zabiegu depilacji laserowej" (Absolute contraindications for laser hair removal) on salondepilacji.pl.
Preparing properly for your laser hair removal session will help you achieve the best results and ensure your safety during the procedure.